I'm so thrilled that I've made it through month one of my project! I know there are days when I don't feel like my shots are that great. They're hurried or uninspired, but even then, I try hard to see something good in the less inspired shots I take.
Reflecting back on the month, I feel like I really have stretched myself at times. I also feel like in the next 11 months, there are going to be so many more amazing opportunites and while sometimes doing a photo EVERY day can be a little more than I feel I can handle, I'm so glad I did a 365 and not a 52 project.
Today's photo is one that caught my eye early. I was walking through the Square between St. Peter Street and Wabasha Street. It was yet another subzero freeze. I was gazing at the bright blue sky and appreciating that it was at least sunny, and as I looked up, all along the ledge of the building, the pidgeons were sleeping. If it wasn't so cold, I would have attempted a panorama so I could get the whole line of them. There were at least 100 little puff balls all curled up and napping. I kept wondering how they could stand the cold.
With them all lined up and perched on the ledge of this old building with it's beautiful style, it reminded me a bit of the old Disney movie, The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Now that January is over, I'm hoping it will warm up a bit and give me a little more time to spend being creative.