Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day 213...Biker Girls


I'm walking down the sidewalk at lunch, looking for some flowers or dragonflies or butterflies or something to shoot today.  And I look up, and these two amazing young ladies were standing on the sidewalk waiting for their grandma.  I couldn't get over how pretty they were, and they were all decked up in their biker gear ready to get back in the sidecar and go.

So I waiteed for Grandma to come out of the store and asked if I could photograph them.  People must ask them all the time because they hopped right in the sidecar an posed and smiled.  Don't you love them?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Day 212...Oh! Those Clouds!


So I'm sitting in the office, and my mate says out loud, "Hey, look at that sky!"  So of course she knows I'm going to run straight out there and take the shot.  Luckily there was a moment I could.  I couldn't get over how majestically the clouds seemed to surround the Cathedral.

Now mind you, I didn't really want to post more photos of the Cathedral, and that's not what my focus of the photo was intended to be.  I hope I conveyed that this shot was really about the sky.  And it looks as though there might be a storm brewing, but it's actually fair weather clouds and not storm clouds.  

Again confirming my love of the sky in my world.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 211....Prepare for Landing


Another summer commodity, the bee.  Some people fear this little guy, and some people know the importance of him.  And the reality is, they're in danger.  

I'm not afriad of bees.  I've been stung a time or two.  I'm not allergic at this point in my life, and I've been bit by worse things.  Mosqitos irritate me more than bees.  But it's really fun to sit and watch them flit about the flowers, poking themselves inside to get the pollen.  

I read an article just yesterday about how much pollen it takes to make honey, and I tell ya, I'm glad I'm not a honeybee.  That's a lotta work for little payout.  

Bzzz, bzzz till later.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Day 210...HI! Dragonfly


Getting up close and personal with the cool looking creature, the dragonfly.  I see these all the time.  Another summer wonder.  And I've seen tons of varieties on the different photography websites I look at.  I've tried a few other times to get a good close up of the buggers but it's usually too windy or they don't sit still.  

I'm hoping to take one day before summer gets too far gone to sit out in a nature field of flower patch somewhere.  I want to just sit still for a while and see what flies around me, butterflies, insects, birds.  And maybe I'll be able to add a variety of these guys to my project later on.  I'm looking forward to a day like this because it's a time where you think about the millions, billions, maybe zillions of living things carrying on around us that you never give a thought to until you pay attention.  

Just another thing to love about looking bugs.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Day 209...The Neon City


I'm going to confess, this is from last night.  I did not have time to go out today.  And I know I've done something similar to this already, but I'm figuring, practice makes perfect, and it was a littel different angle and a better sky.  Do you see the storm clouds t othe east?

From this very spot next to the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis, you can surely captuer many different beautiful photos not matter the time of day or night.  I loved being perched where I was and looking around at all the people and wondering how many folks there were around the fireworks with cameras doing the same thing I was.  

I love reflections and when you can capture them reflected in water, they see so sparkly.  I love it.  

I'm not taking any further photos, this year at least, from this spot.  But as summer winds down in the next two months, I'm going to have to try harder to captuere "summer" scenes.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day 208...Celebrate with Fireworks


I had planned on going to the Aquatennial fireworks.  And then I had planned on not going to them.  I decided to meet someone specail for dinner instead.  But our dinner concluded before 9 pm and I was in Minneapolis, so I thought, what the hell.  It's on the way home so I might as well.  And I'm still learning how to capture good fireworks.

On the Facebook groups, I know there were many people shooting at the same time as I was from better vantage points.  And I'm much more impressed with what they got.  But, again, that's what this project has been for me...LEARNING.

I probably took about 75 shots last night, and there really were only two decent ones.  And while I think this one is acceptable, there are many things I would change about it.  First and foremost, I would try to be further away.  But I think it still shows the spirit of the celebration.


Friday, July 25, 2014

Day 207...I'll Smile !!


So I went out with one of my most favorite and special friends tonight.  On the way to the patio for a refreshing summer marg at Barrio, I said, "I didn't do my photo of the night, but...what can I say?"  So I proceeded with my night, ordered a drink, continued my conversation with her.  It was a fantastic summer night on the patio!

So of course I did the usual and took a snapshot of my friend, and we did the obligatory selfie.  As that was going on, these two great guys passed by and wanted to get in on the action.  What do I love almost as much as a sunset?  Well, I tell you, it's people who WANT their photot taken, and these guys couldn't wait for that moment, so they're my feature.  I love their expression!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 206...Those Summer Nights


It's the thing many of us look forward to for months, a summer night.  You can sit outside with shorts and a t-shirt.  It's a time to relax and take in the fresh air and enjoy the outdoors.  You see birds and bugs.  You smell grass and water.  You can interact with the neighbors or the people in your community.  Everything is green.

I live in a planned community where there are lots of trails, bodies of water, gardens, and parks.  And on a nice evening like tonight when the humidty is low and the wind is quiet and temperatures are moderate, all the neighbors are out walking their dogs, biking with their kids, playing at the park....

Or sitting at the lake taking it all in.

I love summer.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 205...Last Game of the Season


I'm pretty sure the tongue really helped the momentum of the ball.  One thing I love about taking action shots of the girls is that often they have crazy looks on their faces or their hair is all whacky and such!  If you look at a series of photos of each girl, they all kind of have their quirks.  My daughter does this thing where she holds her hand funny.  Some girls stick their tongue out.  Some girls run with their mouth open.

But the best part of taking sports photos is catching the athlete in the middle of their action and seeing the great form they use.

Today was the last game of a fun summer season.  We ended with kind of a bad loss in the state tournament, but it was a fun run.  Time for a little rest and for me, and that means trying to find something different to shoot.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 204...Summer City Sunset


From the 28th floor again, I simply couldn't resist the sunset.  As I mentioned before, it's those few moments where the sun hangs on the horizon teasing with its beauty.
Tonight, I didn't even edit this photo at all.  This is just what it looked like to the north of downtown St. Paul.  

I know that the sunset can be beautiful all year, but it just seems like when you're sitting on the deck, the balcony, the patio, whatever outdoor summer venue, the sunset really seems more magical.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Day 203...She's a Keeper


It's playoff time.  Our Blaine scream U13 girls made it into the State Tournament, and tongiht was their first game.  The result was a disappointment since we left the field with a loss, but we're not out of it yet.  

The above shots are of our fantastic Keeper Caylin.  I think in the younger years of soccer, the position of goalkeeper is often underrated, but it's by far one of the most important positions on the team.  I know from my own point of view, I would not want to be on the receiving end of some ball being kicked directly at me at a high velocity!  And to be in constant risk of being stepped on and kicked by cleats of the other players would be enought to make me choose a different position.

But what am I talking about anyway?  I've never played ANY position on ANY soccer team except team photographer or soccer mom.  Ha!  But I did take one for the team tonight when a ball got kicked on our side and it slammed me in the bicep of my right arm!  Youch!  I tell you, I wouldn't last a minute in this game.  I'm lucky so far I haven't taken a ball in the "lens" yet!

Anyway, about Caylin, I think she did the perfect goal kick in this shot, and that's why I featured a series instead of just one shot.  

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Day 202...Tiana, My Girl


I'm not sure how I was chosen to be so blessed.  You saw my perfect son in yesterday's post.  Today, it's my beautiful daughter.  She's perfect too.  This girl lights up my life more than I can express.  I always thought it would be wonderful to have a girl who was smart OR if she wasn't smart, she could be good at music or sports or something.  But this young lady has it all.

She is a straight A student.  She plays the saxophone.  She plays soccer on an upper level team and participates in Oympic develpment training.  As you can see from the above portrait of her, she's captivatingly beautiful, and she has a sense of humor that I'm immensely proud of.  She's a feisty teenager for sure and her salty moods keep me on my toes, but she cracks me up on a daily basis and she makes me smile with her generous, caring, loving, and compassionate spirit.  

I can't wait to see what kind of woman she becomes.  And I can honestly say, it blows me away that these kids came from me.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Day 201...Christos, The Man


When he was little, I called him Buster.  It doesn't suit him now.  Now he's a complex man than I adore with all my heart and soul.  He's intelligent and funny.  He's strong and at the same time gentle.  He's sweet.  He's affectionate and his mind is complicated.  You can see from this photo, he's killer handsome.  

My children have come to just strike a pose after all my years of saying, "Come on.  Time for some photos.  Please let me do your portrait."  But I'm lucky, because my children are extremely photogenic and it may sound braggadocious, and I truly don't mean to overdo it, but their inner beauty shows on the outside.  

In the past year, I don't know how I would have survived without this man.  I lost the most important man besides him, and he held me up and helped me carry on.

I have said that portraits are my favorite, and I haven't focused too much on portraits in this project because my goal was to try new things.  And also I just didn't do a lot of portraits yet this year.  But it's coming.   I love capturing the beauty of people.  And with my man, Christos, as you can see, it's easy to do.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Day 200....The Big Yellow Ball in the Sky


Tonight, I chuckle to myself as I post this photo.  I was so tired the last few days, and I was going to skip taking my photo, because I had a long week, and I didn't feel like chasing all over town trying to think of anything to shoot.  So I got out of my massage, and I started to head to soccer practice to pick up my girl.

I'm heading down the road, and I look of to the west, and up in the clouds, I see the bright yellow ball peeking through a veil of clouds.  I still had 15 minutes until my start needed to be picked up, so I drove a little farther west, through the car in park, and walked to the high point on the bridge and waited till the sun was in just the right position in the clouds, and here you go!  

I can't get out of taking photos the rest of this project even if I purposely try!  Ha ha!  

I have to add once again the reason I never tire of sunsets is they never seem to look the same.  And even in the five minutes I stood on this bridge, within seconds, the scene changed.  The glory of our universe, so amazing.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Day 199...My Peaceful Place


Do you have a peaceful place?  You know, somewhere you go to be alone in your thoughts and sort things out?  For me, the favorite Peaceful Place is the beach.  And being from Minnesota, you would think that in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, that I would easily be able to escape to a "beach" and find my peace.  But I don't mean a beach at a lake!  Ha ha.  I am madly in love with the beach near the ocean or the sea.  

But since I'm land bound, it's not always possible for me to go to that place for a peaceful respit when I need to unwind, debrief, or just reboot the brain.  I'm sure most folks have more than one place to seek their peace time.  I do as well.  When I'm at work, and I need to escape from things, this is my place.  It is a little garden area next to the Assumption Church in St. Paul.  I love that it has a quiet little set of benches for me to sit on, and it's tucked away enough that I feel I can cry sometimes if I need to without people staring at me.  In the summer, it's surrounded with neatly groomed trees and plants, and in the winter, it has a very stark peace to it and the church grounds tend to be decorated for the Christmas season.

In the past year, I've spent a lot of time in this spot escaping some of the anxiety I experienced through my dad's terminal illness and his resulting passing, the revamping of my rental house, and the massive pile of work I had after my dad died.  I've cried here.  I've rested quietly.  I've taken pictures of things in the garden and birds and the surrounding grounds.  I'm sure in the future, I will spend time there being happy too.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Day 198...Urban-ness


I absolutely love old buildings in the city.  This shot was taken downtown St. Paul from the 28th floor of one of my favorite dude's apartments.  I don't remember even which building it was, but I know I've been through the skyway of it!  

I know this isn't the type of shot I usually do.  Though I've done a few abstract building shots, it not really my thing, but every time I look at this photo, there's something I really love about it.  It seems timeless, for one thing, and I really like the fire escape.  They sure don't put those on modern buildings.  The brick work and the arched windows are also really cool.  Not sure I'm thrilled with the angle I took this at, but still thinking about that.  

One day in the near future, I want to go to Chicago and do a series on the buildings.  

I'm leaving for San Francisco in two weeks, so that's going to be a thrill!!!!  I'll only be able to photograph after my daytime conference and only for three days, but I'm sure that will be plenty for my first time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 197...Lovers at Sunset

LOVERS AT SUNSET many ways can I do it?  Well, since I love it, I'll just keep doing it.  Ha!  But tonight I was, again, captured by the sky.  And my intent wasn't really to get a sunset photo, and I wouldn't say that's exactly what this is.  I've taken (and posted) a photo from this spot already.  And it wasn't even that much different.  But I'm realizing after visiting this spot more than once that it is a great vantage point to view the city, and especially if you want to watch the sun set over the city scape.  

Believe it or not, I did not do a single edit to the photo except a slight crop and adding my watermark.  I had several photos from the evening capturing the blue tones blanketing the city as well as the oranges of the sun setting.  I chose this one because I loved how it was sort of cut into three different focuses with the city, the lovers, and the sun setting with the church spire.  

I really wish summer would never leave me.    

Monday, July 14, 2014

Day 196...Chasing the Clouds


It was a crusty night out, and I stared out the window remember the horrendous spring we had, the endless days of rain when I never thought I'd be able to get a decent photo outside.  But as always happens, somehow, the universe comes through for me.  

I started to venture out of the house to go meet a friend to celebrate our kids getting in the state soccer tournament, and just as I was pulling in, she called and said she wasn't going to go.  So I decided I was going to head out in search of my photo opp and hit the pillow early.  As I drove out of the parking lot, the rain started to diminish and I looked around and the clouds were glorious.  

I was thinking, where can I go to get a really good shot of the big sky?  I drove and drove.  I hit one spot, the one I chose for tonight, but I could still see really amazing clouds all around me.  I kept driving to get the best vantage point.  I actually took about 30 photos of the sky in different parts of my community.  

At this point, I won't know if any of those turned out well or not because I did a major rookie move, and I pressed escape in the middle of my photos importing and I lost all the rest that hadn't already started to import.  

Oh, well.  This one gives you the idea of how wonderful the clouds were, so it's all good.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Day 195...Perfect Kick


The district playoffs have started, and I'm hoping that means there's tons of soccer still to observe and photograph.  Tried out the new camera today to see how it faired doing sports photography because that's one of the primary reasons I upgraded to this, and i must say, I am so happy I made this upgrade.  The frames per second, wow!  It was almost like taking a slow motion movie.  I filled up the memory card very quickly, because with every play of the ball I would shoot about five or six frames.  But this way, you're more likely to get the best shot of a series.  

The other totally great thing I absolutely love is the fast focus.  I had seriously 50% more shots in focus than I did with my lasst lens.  I'm loving it. Lizzie.  She is one of our star defenders as you can see by her awesome form in clearing the ball in this shot.  The game today was won by the Blaine Scream with a score of 5-0, so our next game is tomorrow.  Hopefully we can go all the way to the State Tournament.  Go Scream go!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Day 194...Summer Night at the Farm


I think this farm is beautiful.  The funny thing about it is it was right behind the Home Depot.  I'm sure that probably ten years ago, where this farm is located was considered "out in the country."  But now with urban and suburban sprawl, we literally have farms right next door to the strip mall.  I love how green everything was.

When I was taking this, at the edge of the field right in front of me was sort of a boundary made up of wildflowers and weeds, and when I was looking at them, I noticed some were in bloom, and some had gone to seed, and some were quite tall and tangled.  It made me think and realize that you can kind of gage what time of summer it is.  There are certain flowers, including wildflowers, or berries, or weeds, etc. that blossom at certain times in the summer or go to seed at certain times.  And then of course, the taller some grasses and weeds get or the thicker the wild growth gets, the closer it is to the end of the season. 

It also made me think of how you can tell by the sun as well that summer is heading toward its last half.  The sun is starting to hold a different position in the sky, and this shot was taken at about 8:30 p.m. and the sun was starting to sink quickly, and it was gone before 9:00 p.m.

Summer is my favorite, and I wish there was a button I could push to make it go slower.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Day 193...The County Fair


Things that make summer fun...the beach, bonfires, fishing, camping, boating biking, oh, so many things.  But how about the multitude of fairs and community celebrations and events that you can find every weekend of the summer?

This weekend, we buzzed up to the Ramsey County Fair real quick, and my only intention was to shoot the fireworks with my new camera.  I think it was definitely a success.  I know I just posted fireworks a just last week, but I've seen lots of shots of the fireworks and I still want to work on perfecting them with cool objects in the foreground or background.  I thought the addition of the ferris wheel was kind of fun.  

I just love fireworks, and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to find more fun ones to shoot in the weeks to come.  If you know of any super good ones, send me a message!

Now that I have this new camera that I absolutely am in love with, I feel a renewed inspiration and am super excited to get out and shoot shoot shoot!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 192...Bzzzzzzz


I've been remiss in posting for a few days.  I vowed this would not happen.  I really do have a great excuse though, and I think it is going to improve my project...or at least my happiness factor because I'm a little spoiled.  

I had to get the sensor cleaned on my camera.  If you're real observant, you may have even noticed the few dirt spots here and there that I might have missed retouching.  So I brought the baby in for a good cleaning.  Well, it took a couple days, so I've been kind of sitting in hiatus so to speak.  

A funny thing happened when I went to pick the cleaned camera up.  I was looking for a better lens for the clean camera so I could get sharper sports photos, and lo and behold, I walked out of that darn store with an entirely brand new camera.  Yikes!  

So tonight, I went on a little exploration walk to kind of test a few of its features and just sort of get used to it, and I think the above photo was my favorite shot of the night.  In the post after this one, I'll be posting from about an hour and a half later, a fun adventure I went on.  

The above shot was obtained when I was trying to get some fun depth of field shots of these delicate purple flowers, and then I realized that these flowers were a sure favorite of the bees.  There were lots of bees visiting and  I got several photos of them up close and personal.  Boy do I love my new camera!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Day 191...Brown-Eyed Girl


I think I'm getting better at macro...and flowers.  I think one reason I tend not to love flower photos so much is it's just like, oh, look, one boring little flower.  But I actually really like the composition of this one where there are other things going on.  

I've said before that many times a photo will tell a story to the viewer, and often times, the story is what the viewere makes it to be.  I can't decide what YOUR story is about a shot.  I can tell you what I see that makes this photo more complete than just a plain old flower though and what it is I like about it.

I love the setting sun in the corner, the stray weeds woven within, and the contrast of the sky and the grass in the background.  

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 190...Tangerine Clouds


You know those times when you look up at the sky and see clouds and they just don't seem real.  You ask yourself, how can that be?  How can those clouds glow like that?  Where does that color come from?  

This was one of those nights.  It was an interesting phenomenon to me because this sky last only a few minutes.  I locked my stinking keys in my car and I had to wait for someone to come and get me to bring the key to where I left it.  And my usual camera is in the shop.  Ugh.  Didn't realize how much I would miss that until now i don't have it.  But the point being...while I waited for someone to rescue me from my car key ordeal, I was feeling bummed out because the end of the day was fast approaching.

So I walked out on the stop to just wait patiently, and that's when I noticed the sky.  So I hopped on my bike and pedaled down to one of the many ponds here, and the moment was so quick that I literally got ten shots, and the glow was gone!  

I'm lucky I can look back at this photo and try to remember it exactly as it was...colorful and amazing.  I feel always blessed with something, sometimes anything to photograph.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 189...After the Rain


I really don't do macro photography.  But how many times have I said throughout this project that the point is to stretch and learn.  Today, I really wanted to try to get cool photos of the stormy skies, but from where I was, they just weren't that interesting.  And the storm came and passed within an hour.  I took my higher end camera in to have it cleaned yesterday, so I am working with my less expensive baby which doesn't have a long lens.  When I drove by the lake, the loons were swimming by, and I wanted to shoot them but didn't feel like hopping in the canoe and I couldn't shoot them from the side of the pond because my lens doesn't scope that far.

So I looked around, and saw some pretty flowers, but I have done flowers more than is my preference.  Then I noticed all the raindrops on everything.  I got down near the ground and started macro shooting, and I was pretty pleased with most of the results.  This one turned out to be my favorite and the longer I look at it, the more I like it.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 187...Meet Sara


Let me introduce you to my sweet, beautiful, funny, friend who is soon to be a successful real estate agent.  Sara, is beautiful!  

I have done very few portraits during this project.  I often do portraits professionally as you can see if you visit my website,  But since my dad passed away, I haven't had a ton of time to do them.  But this weekend, I was helping Sara get ready to have her beautiful face placed on her new business card.  We didn''t do a full on portrait sitting because she just wanted head shots, but it was fun and easy because she came looking like a work of art already.

It wasn't the easiest shoot because we did it outdoors and the sun was harsh, but we eventually found a shady place where the light was muted, and this was the best shot.  

More portraits to come since I'm starting to book my senior high school portraits and family sessions.  If you have portrait needs, give me a shout!  oh.....and here's the color version....

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Day 186...Trail Flowers


You probably don't know this, but I have a consulting team.  Ha ha.  Little bit of a joke there, but when I can't decide amongst the photos I've shot, I ask either my mom, my daughter, my son, or some combination of them.  Today, that was necessary, and while this probably wouldn't have been the shot I would have immediately chosen, Mom and Son both selected this one almost right away, so I concured and made it the first choice.  Below I'll post their second choice which was a close second for me too.

This flowers were among the wild flowers along the Coon Rapids Regional Park trail right by the dam.  The flowers sprinkled about the side of the trail distracted me so much from my ride because there was such a bright colorful display and array of beautiful flowers.  It was like an outdoor bouquet.  

This was choice two....

Friday, July 4, 2014

Day 185...Fireworks


It probably seems so cliche for 4th of July.  I mean, I thought all day long about all the things I could post for this day, American flags, fireworks, etc.  And I know there are a zillions shots of fireworks out there.  But fireworks are simply one of those things that no matter how many times you see them, you have to say, "Ooo, Ah, Wow," and any other various expression of amazement at their beauty.

I have tried several times to do fireworks but never a well-thought-out endeavor usually.  This time I had my tripod, all the settings ready beforehand, AND my remote shutter release.  Woo hoo!  

After perusing the many photography groups I'm involved with and seeing the shots some people got, I know that I want to seek out cooler locations to do more fireworks shots for my portfolio, but last night we did the neighborhood display and it was a good place for me to start and I enjoyed the company of a great friend. 
As usual, comments and critiques always welcome!  Happy Idependence Day to you all.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Day 184...Futbol Fever


In a year of the World Cup and growing interest of the sport of soccer in the United States, during the past few weeks you can see it everywhere...a fever for the most popular game in the world!

Soccer fans are some of the most fun fans you will find.  They dress up crazy, shout wild cheers, and to be in the crowd among them you can often find yourself getting caught up in it all.  

This shot is being posted a day late because I had fallen a little behind.  But it was taken at the National Sports Center in a game between the Minnesota United (semi pro) soccer team versus the U21 Mexico National team.  I'm pretty sure the crowd was about 50% Mexican that night, and it was a riot!  The fans were animated, dressed in great Mexican fan wear, and just fun to observe!

The young ones are usually the people who are the least shy and they love getting dressed up for anything.  And you certainly don't have to be from the home country to takes sides with them....this guy just wanted to party with the fans who were the most fun!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day 183...Bright Bridges


In a normal year (not leap year) there are 182.5 days in half of a year.  So that makes this project officially over the halfway mark by .5 days!  Unbelievable to me that I would still be doing this project at this point.  

I can say that there have been times in the last six months I've been wholly uninspired and I didn't feel like shooting anything at all.  During the time of my dad's passing, I actually fell behind.  But I forgave myself for that and moved on and made up for it.  I've posted some shots a day late because I got too busy, but with all those faults in it, here I am, 183 days into it, halfway there.  

I have had some shots that I will definitely cherish or even frame and hang somewhere.   There were lots of shots that were quite a stretch, and I could easily toss them aside when this is over.  But overall, it's been fun trying to come up with new and interesting things to try to shoot and to do it creatively or in ways I've not done before.  

Tonight's photo HAS been done by me before.  And I honestly don't know what the heck, but I took this same photo in 2008 on a night when the bridge was puprle (pink?), the shot is much nicer than this one. I don't know if I"m losing my touch, or tiring of things, or if I need a different lens or what.  

It's still a fun shot that lots and lots of photographers have done, and I guess I just need to try again with more patience....or just stick with the one I took in '08.'s to the rest of the project...the next half!!  Woo hoo for halfway!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 182...Shrooms


This one is for my mom.  I actually took this one a few days ago, and tonight, my shots were crap.  So I resorted back to these because the day I took them, Mom really wanted this to be the shot of the night.  I didn't want this one that night because I had already recently done fungi twice.  But look how adorable these little shrooms are.

So I decided this project HAD to inclue these guys.  This one's for you mama!

I got this photo, again, on one of my bike rides where I was just riding along and saw them out of the corner of my eye and just had to stop to catch them.