Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day 183...Bright Bridges


In a normal year (not leap year) there are 182.5 days in half of a year.  So that makes this project officially over the halfway mark by .5 days!  Unbelievable to me that I would still be doing this project at this point.  

I can say that there have been times in the last six months I've been wholly uninspired and I didn't feel like shooting anything at all.  During the time of my dad's passing, I actually fell behind.  But I forgave myself for that and moved on and made up for it.  I've posted some shots a day late because I got too busy, but with all those faults in it, here I am, 183 days into it, halfway there.  

I have had some shots that I will definitely cherish or even frame and hang somewhere.   There were lots of shots that were quite a stretch, and I could easily toss them aside when this is over.  But overall, it's been fun trying to come up with new and interesting things to try to shoot and to do it creatively or in ways I've not done before.  

Tonight's photo HAS been done by me before.  And I honestly don't know what the heck, but I took this same photo in 2008 on a night when the bridge was puprle (pink?), the shot is much nicer than this one. I don't know if I"m losing my touch, or tiring of things, or if I need a different lens or what.  

It's still a fun shot that lots and lots of photographers have done, and I guess I just need to try again with more patience....or just stick with the one I took in '08.'s to the rest of the project...the next half!!  Woo hoo for halfway!

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