Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day 234...Perspective From the Street


So I went in pursuit of "Street" photography last night.  I was with the "famous" Valerie Jardin.  She inspires me to always stretch my imagination, vision, potential.  Now, althought I'm not a STREET photographer, and likely never will be, I do enjoy hitting the streets, seeing and meeting people, and getting their stories.

I watched Valerie in action last night as we came upon a small urban park of sorts, and people were expressing themselves in chalk about what they want to do before they die.  Of course, reaching your full potential, what better goal could one have than that!?  

This "urban park" was right on Hennepin Avenue in downtown Minneapolis, and I found out through Valerie's interaction with the security gal that was sitting there as we visited that it's a park that a privte business has set up to allow the public to just come visit and hang out.  So cool, in my opinion, and I hope people respect it enought to keep the flow going.

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