Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 168...Purple Ending


Sometimes it's kind of hard to believe, but the sky can actually just look like this.  Now, admittedly, I said I would take one photo a day for 365.  And I had a few slips because, forgive me, the most important man in my life died.  But I recovered and have been on a pretty consistent path.  And today, honestly, is not an exception to that rule.  I was outside on my lunch hour taking photos of the South American pan flute player and his band of other adorable Latino music makers.  

But when I took this shot yesterday, it was AFTER I had already taken the photo of the clock in the park and it was AFTER I had already posted it.  Now, this blog is certainly editeable.  However, I like the photo of the clock, and I want it to remain as part of this project.  But the photo above was too good not to include, and though the guys playing in the street band were kind of sweet, this photo ranked higher in likeablitity, at least for me.  

So the story on this photo is...if you read the blog post from yesterday, it wasn't easy to get a shot, and I pretty much assumed the day was over and settled for the clock.  Then I went on my merry way to the soccer field to endure the 30 to 40-mile-an-hour winds and the late-night soccer game.  But when I drove into the parking lot and looked to the west, this is literally what I saw.  I snapped a quick photo with my iPhone, and the result was so stunning that I threw the memory card back in my camera, snapped a few shots, and this was the result, one of the most tantalizing sunset evenings I can remember!  The sky was like a grape, strawberry, and tangerine smoothie.  Amazing.

And you see why I couldn't resisit using a photo I took yesterday.  Okay.  I'll treat you to the pan flute player....see below....

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