Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 181...Dogs Love Balls


The furry guys.  They're like kids that never grow up, always ready to play, easily forgive human wrongdoing, love unconditionally.  You could tell by this boy's appearance that he was not a super young dog.  He was running ahead and back and across in front of his humans.  And at one point, he went bolting off into a bunch of trees, a kind of wooded area.  When he came out of the woods, he had this ball in his mouth.  His humans were giggling at him and said, "We knew you'd find something in there."  The ball was not one they came to the park with!

But look at how happy he is to have that ball.  I watched them play fetch with it for a bit and I loved the antipation in his eyes when they were getting ready to throw it and I loved how happily he pranced back with it in his mouth.  What a cutie!

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