Monday, December 8, 2014

Day 343...Quintessential Christmas


I know I'm desperately behind on my project, and I'm determined to finish out without missing a day.  at the rate I've fallen behind, it seems like the year could end with me not having 365 photos done and I'd have to go into the new year, but I'm not going to do that.  I'm going to post two or three a day to make it complete.  It wasn't my intention in the beginning of the project for it to work out this way, but the project was about lessons learned.  This was one of the lessons learned...posting a photo every single day for a year consistently for a person with my lifestyle is nearly impossible.

Next year, my project will still be bold but not about quantity.

So about the photo, one of my favorite scenes as can be evidenced by the fact that this is the second image, and likely not the last of its kind, where I am shooting from the outside looking in at the quintessential holiday scene.  This is a scene from postcards, movies, commercials, etc.  It's classic and beautiful.  This one was captured by me as I was driving around trying to see things that defined my idea of Christmas.  This was one beautiful scene.

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