Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 301...The Diner


Pretty sure Mickey's Diner is one of the most photographed icons in downtown St. Paul.  I've done it a few times myself in this very project.  But my project is soon coming to a close.  

As I was walking in to work from a different route than I usually take and now that the sun is rising later, the lighting on Mickey's cast a different vision for me.  It looked like the set of a movie to me, and almost cartoon-ish.  I did add a little "effect" to enhance that mood, but I adore how Mickey's, not matter when you walk by there, always looks like they're set up to film some old-fashioned movie there.  It's the outside, AND the staff and customers you see through the windows.  

It's just so curious that when you pan out from just the building, the restaurant is sort of "glued on" to the corner in front of a large office building right across the street from other modern buildings.  It's certainly fun!

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